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Membership Registration

Thank you for your continuing interest. 

Please fill out your information below and push the submit button when complete.  If you are joining as a Family Membership, please note the family member details in the space provided.


The club membership term runs annually from January through December and payments are due at time of registration for new members and during the month of December for the subsequent year for existing members.


Please select the membership type (Individual, Family, Student) in the selection below, then proceed with registering the club member's contact details before hitting the submit button. You will then be redirected to the payment page where you can complete your registration.  If you have questions or need assistance please reach out to the club's membership director Thomasina Tafur,

Memership Type (select one)

Please provide the contact details for the Primary Member, the club member who will be responsible for payment of annual club membership dues and be the primary point of contact for all club communications.

Membership Directory Listing

If are signing up with a Family Membership, please provide the names and email addresses of those who should be included in the club's registry and be receiving activity email communications and the club's entitlements.

Are you interested in getting involved with the organizational aspects of running the club by volunteering your time or offering your special talents to help promote the club and its activities?

Assist with organizing events?
Serving as a JCCA board member?

Please let us know if there are any specific areas where you would like to contribute to our club and if you have any suggestions for types of events you would like to simply attend, help organize or promote that relate to Japanese culture.  Your general comments and suggestions are also welcome.

After completing the requested information above, please push the submit button below to complete your application form.  Upon submission you will be directed to the payment page to complete your registration.


Memberships are not accepted until the payment  has been received.  If you have any questions, please contact Club President Harumi Maejima or the Membership Director, 2nd VP, Thomasina Tafur. 

Or please send check payable to:

Attn: Ms. Sumiko Glenn, Your Tax Matters,

4635 S Lakeshore Dr., Suite 312, Tempe, AZ 85282


Or make a payment to PayPal .(Click here to donate), Zelle (using email address,

Thank you for joining our club and I am looking forward to meeting you soon.


Respectfully yours,

Harumi Maejima, Club President


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